Revolution Means Building

Workshop and Events Schedule

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One-Day Design Seminar
Introductory Timber Framing
Advanced Timber Framing
Traveling Timber Framing Workshops
Workshop & Seminar Overviews
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A Workshop Primer:
Tools & Lodging Info, a must read for potential students
Natural Building Workshops
Clay Systems, Cob, Thatching

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Timber Framing Workshops and more...

With the 2013 Timber Framing Workshop now behind us, we are turning our attention to 2014. Our first workshop will be in Costa Rica Feb. 26 - March 8, 2014 (for more info scroll down), followed by the Spring workshop series at Fox Maple that will start up the last week of May. This will begin with the Natural Building workshop, and immediately followed with the Timber Framing Intro and Advanced courses the first two weeks of June. This is the only opportunity to engage is all three workshops back-to-back.

The following gives an overall description of our introductory and advanced workshops. For dates and current updates, click here.

Timber Framing Mallets. We are now offering Fox Maple timber framing mallets for purchase. These mallets are turned in Costa Rica from dense tropical hardwoods salvaged from a vast supply of old fence posts & dead tree limbs. A great way to provide needed employment in the valley while also providing a much needed tool to our students. ¡El mundo perfecto! These are turned to Fox Maple specs for perfect weight, balance and long life. Truly beautiful as well. For a greater description go to our web store or to order now click on the photo.

Fox Maple's Indigenous Peoples Community Building Initiative (IPCBI) projects always seem to elevate to another level. To download our latest IPCBI newsletter in a pdf file, click on the following link.
El boletín de IPCBI está ahora disponible en el español. Para descargar, hacer clic abajo.
IPCBI Newsletter.pdf
IPCBI en Espanol.pdf

The Fox Maple School Booklet is available to download. The 40 page booklet provides a comprehensive overview of our workshops and educational program including specifics of what each type of course entails, tools and supplies to bring, as well as a full description of the Fox Maple campus, how it was built, CAD drawings of the timber frames, photos and descriptions of the processes, including natural clay building and thatching. In itself an educational tool. It is also what we send to all workshop registrants in our confirmation packets. A must have for all students. To download click on the link below. Download FMSTB booklet in pdf format now!

"I just wanted to thank you personally for the fabulous week we all had.
I would never have thought it was possible to learn so much in such a short time!"
A. Dorresteyn, Asturias, Spain 2008

   Timber Framing Workshops at Fox Maple School

A bath house at Fox Maple. The frame above was the class project cut in the Fall 2004 Advanced TF workshop at Fox Maple. The posts are scribe fit to stone and the crooks are maple with cherry upper struts.
Spring Timber Framing Workshops in Maine
Our spring courses generally begin the first two weeks in June
Introductory Timber Framing. Tuition $1,175
Advanced Timber Framing. Tuition $1,250
Combined Intro & Advanced TF. Tuition $2,350
Click here for dates

Summer/Fall 2013 Timber Framing Workshops
Our Fall courses generally begin the first two weeks in September
Introductory Timber Framing. Tuition $1,175
Advanced Timber Framing. Tuition $1,250
Combined Intro & Advanced TF. Tuition $2,350
Click here for dates

scroll down for additional Traveling Workshop info

Natural Building Workshops Schedule

Spring 3 Day Natural Enclosure Systems. Tuition $675.
This 3 day workshop will precede our Spring Timber Framing courses. It will combine classroom and hands-on work with a variety of natural clay systems, giving students a good overiew of the variety of practical options available to use natural clay based systems in their building projects. Wood chip clay, Straw clay, cob, clay plastering and more will be covered. For more info, click on the above link.
Click here for dates

Costa Rica Timber Framing Workshop

Costa Rica
Our workshop program in Costa Rica has been ongoing every winter since 2000. In this workshop we cover all the basics covered in the Introductory Workshps, but go on to cover system to work with natural curved timbers and scribe-fit joinery. This is our only workshop to include this aspect of timber framing, and may very well be considered an Intermediate Workshop.

Our work in the small mountain community of San Luis is ongoing with great pleasure. The project will include a mix of eastern and western joinery details, both square to round and round to square scribing. This also includes scribing timbers to stone.

Tuition $1,475. Tuition includes home stay lodging with community members and all meals.
Click here for dates

For more Costa Rica Info click here

Timber Framing Workshops at FMSTB in Maine

Design Seminars

One-day Timber Frame & Natural Building Design Seminars
take place the first day all of our Timber Framing and Natural Building courses

Medway, MA Workshop, Spring 1999
Frame cut in the Introductory TF Workshop in Medway, Mass, Spring,1998

Fox Maple, Spring 1998Design seminars at FMSTB provide a broad overview of building the whole-house, with an emphasis on the systems, mechanics and techniques which are unique to traditional timber framing. Site planning, foundation design, mechanical systems, enclosure systems (stress skin and natural alternatives) and cost estimating are a few of the topics covered. Our goal is to assist Builders, Architects, Engineers, aspiring owner builders, and novice timber framers in ways to integrate traditional methods of building that incorporate a high level of craftsmanship and durability, through highly crafted examples. This approach will solve many design problems by defining a direct course of action, and allow the experienced timber framer or professional builder to expand their expertise. We encourage participants to bring their own plans or rough drawings to be used as working models to be discussed in the seminar.

Design Seminars are included in all 6 day workshops.
For Design Seminar only Tuition is $275. Registration Form

Introductory Timber Framing Workshop at Fox Maple School in Maine
Click here for dates

Medway, Spring 1999This is a hands-on workshop in which we will build a complete timber frame using traditional joinery details. Joinery design, timber selection, layout and cutting will be a primary emphMedway, MA Spring 1999asis with particular attention being paid to the art of perfect execution and the joy of perfection & grace. Each joint will be systematically laid out and cut by students, allowing the opportunity to gain the first hand knowledge of joinery layout, and the feel of cutting a timber frame in the traditional manner. Throughout the process we attempt to instill the confidence and ability to cut a frame on your own.

This workshop begins with a one day design seminar. Tuition $1,175, Registration Form

"How do I begin to thank you for this experience which has been life changing?
…I have always been a carpenter; you have helped to awaken the master who lives within me in spirit.
In this uncertain world, know that you indeed make a difference. Those who truly embrace the experience will craft with a new respect for the materials and the people whom they will serve... a tribute to our combined efforts and experience at Fox Maple. Vive Jean-Claude"
R. Ahrens, Basking Ridge, NJ

Fall 2005 advanced project was a hip and valley roof system surrounding the Bath House.

Advanced Timber Framing Workshop at
Fox Maple School in Maine

Click here for dates

Setting the 4 valley compound system cut in the Spring 2003 Advanced workshop into the frame, cut in the previous weeks Intro course.
The natural evolution of all craftsmen builders is to stretch the limits of their talents and capabilities to the point that they can transform any structural concept into a manifest reality. Advanced Workshops begin with the development of a visual concept. By translating the visual mental image to paper via simple sketches, each triangle can be isolated, allowing the builder to attribute its physical dimensions and angles through trigonometry and developed drawings.

This approach allows even the most complex roof frames to be understood as only a combination of simple right triangles. In the workshop we will cut and raise a compound hip or valley frame, allowing ample time for discussion of joinery and design theories for a variety of complex roof framing applications.

The theory and mechanics of hip and valley roof framing are covered in-depth in this 6 day workshop. Previous timber framing experience is required if taken as a stand-alone workshop, or available to students who have attended a Fox Maple Introductory Timber Framing Course. This is a serious workshop experience, be ready to extend your talents. Tuition $1,250. Includes a copy of Advanced Timber Framing by Steve Chappell. Registration Form

Combined Intro & Advanced Timber Framing

Complete and comprehensive for the serious student. For those wishing to enter our apprenticeship program, the Combined course is the required curriculum. Tuition: $2,350. Registration Form

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Workshop and Seminar Overviews

Design Seminars

compound calculationsOne day design seminars precede all of our multi-dayFox Maple Library, Spring 1996 Introductory workshops held at the school in Maine. Design seminars offer a great opportunity to gain a working understanding of all the aspects of building a timber frame house, from basic design and joinery, to the completion of the home. With the help of slides, chalkboard and CAD drawings, we'll walk through all of the steps of building a timber frame home, unravel some myths and solve some mysteries.

The design seminar explores the history and development of timber framing in addition to addressing the problems which are likely to confront a contractor unfamiliar with contemporary timber framing. From foundation through completion, our focus is on assisting aspiring owner builders in solving their own design problems, and allowing Architects, Engineers, and experienced builders to expand their expertise.

Head of Jeddore, Nova Scotia, Summer 1995Introductory Timber Framing

The best way to learn to build a timber frame is to do it. In hands-on workshops, we do just that. The primary focus is on appropriate joinery design and layout, with particular attention paid to perfect execution. Each joint will be systematically laid out and cut by the students, allowing the opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge of joinery design, and the feel of cutting a timber frame in the traditional manner.

The workshop frame is designed specifically for instruction, combining a broad variety of joinery details, with close attention paid to setting up systems and approaches that will result in perfect joinery, every time.

Advanced Timber Framing

For those who have substantial timber frame experience, our advanced workshop is the place to hone your joinery skills and expand your repertoire to include compound hip and valley roof framing. As with our introductory course, we pay special attention to creating systems and techniques which may be applied to any framing situation, withvalley rafter foot the same results every time. Perfection! This is not a light course. Be ready to extend your limits, and as a result your talent. We highly suggest that you hone your math and trigonometry skills before you attend this workshop.

Compound roof framing is nothing more than a combination of simple right triangles. By first creating a visual image, then translating this mental image to paper using simple sketches, each triangle can be isolated, allowing the builder to determine its physical dimensions and angles through trigonometry.

In this hands-on workshops we apply systems and theory in the construction of a Joined Timber Frame hip and valley roof frame designed specifically for instruction. Return to list

Traveling Workshops

Traveling workshops offer the same course instruction as at Fox Maple, just different scenery. Stuart Islan WA, Summer 1999

Traveling workshops may be sponsored by timber frame companies or not-for-profit community groups who would like to build a timber frame for the greater community good. If you would like information on how you can sponsor a workshop in your area, email us at Contact (include mailing address) or give us a call at 207-935-3720.

What's Included, What's Not


All workshops at Fox Maple include light breakfast and a hearty lunch, a Fox Maple T-shirt, and a copy of A Timber Framer's Workshop by Steve Chappell. Advanced workshops include a copy of ADVANCED Timber Framing, by Steve Chappell. Camping is available on the grounds, and equipped campgrounds are close by. Local Bed and Breakfasts offer special rates to all students (about $30 per night). A wide choice of restaurants and motels are within 10 miles. Complete info will be included in all confirmation packets sent to workshop registrants. Traveling workshops include the basic meal / T-shirt / Book package, and lodging info will be available upon registration. Return to list

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Last updated 10/21/13